



  包装无小事。欧洲工商管理学院市场学教授Pierre Chandon及该校博士Nailya Ordabayeva发现,改变食品的包装或分装形式,将对最终的消费产生惊人的影响。




"If you want people to order a larger portion, then you should just increase the height because people will notice. If you want to reduce the quantity of your portions, for example if you had higher raw material costs, you should reduce the height, the width and the length because people won't notice," Chandon says.

The research is timely because the phenomenon of ‘supersizing’ has swept the US and is now moving to the rest of the world. Food portions have increased dramatically: by up to 60 per cent for salty sna宣传海报设计cks and 52 per cent for soft drinks in the past 20 years. This trend is especially dramatic at fast food restaurants, where consumers are offered much bigger meals for only small increases in price, and in grocery stores, where larger packages are considered better value. This trend has had a big impact on how much consumers eat. The supersizing trend is one of the main drivers of the obesity epidemic and packaging is adding to the problem, the study states.

"It's very easy to be influenced by marketers,” Chandon says. “For example, the size of the package, the size of the meals, even the size of the plates and of the spoons; we know these things have a very strong impact on how much we eat.”

"People are completely unaware of this and are very hard to de-bias. Even when we asked professional nutritionists to estimate the number of calories of fast food, they were wrong," Chandon told INSEAD Knowledge (see table below). “However, when asked to estimate the number of calories of the sandwich, side, and beverage separately, dieticians were more accurate and ordered smaller meals”.


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